Kikiilimikilii – Lumens

Kikiilimikilii – Lumens

Label – Heia Sun


01 Z
02 Vuh
03 Prosopopeia
04 N’Bim
05 Chat de Chambre

With five tracks that cover together a little over fifteen minutes of music, “Lumens” brings to light the alien sounding project Kikiilimikilii, the solo project of Heia Sun’s founder. Balancing his obscure sounds between distant ethnic hymns and astral drones, “Lumens” offers five different peeks into realms of poetic composition and disturbing sounds. It’s a short peek, yes, but a worthwhile one.

The greatest power of Kikiilimikilii is in the organic sounding, obscure vocals. Be it genuine singing or an added sampled material, the tribal chanting, like those found on the track “Z”, are beautifully ethereal and energetic, powered by deep beats that feel like coming from the center of the earth. Circling these obscure chanting is music that varies from definite electronic loops to deep organic drones, effectively contrasting between two spheres of influence, while also, at points, merging them together. Together, these elements create an interesting album with powerful highlights within it.

The place where “Lumens” suffer a little is in the brief duration of the tracks. There are several beautiful moments inside this small album and it’s a shame to hear them fade away shortly after they were born. Having said that, “Lumens” remains a peculiar, interesting and poetic album that should be given the chance it deserves. Sometimes good things just end quickly, I guess.

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